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Forget Titles: I’m Here to Help You Feel Better

Author: Dr. Mario ToljCategory: Patient Resources
Forget TitlesImHereToHelpYouFeelBetter

As a chiropractor in Mt. Pleasant, I’ve noticed a common trend among patients: choosing their care based on a practitioner’s title. While I understand the instinct, I’ve learned through years of practice that titles don’t always guide you in the best direction. I’m Dr. Mario Tolj, and I’d like to share why I believe focusing on services and treatments that address your specific diagnosis is far more important than any title I might hold.

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The Limitation of Labels and the Power of Comprehensive Care

Throughout my professional career, I’ve been called many things – chiropractor, physical therapist, massage therapist, exercise coach, and primary care physician. But why? Because patients would say “You’re not a regular chiropractor because you do much more.” And I would say “Yeah, well, a simple adjustment is not going to solve this particular diagnosis.” Patients would sit for a minute lost in thought and would respond “that makes sense.”

Obviously a title will get you in a direction to figure out your pain but ultimately the diagnosis will dictate the treatment process. And this is where patients get confused on what kinds of treatments to do for optimal results. They try, try, and try different treatments… and then eventually get discouraged and say “I guess I’ll just live with my pain.” … This is crazy!

While specialists like pain management, orthopedists, neurologists, and surgeons play crucial roles in healthcare… many patients come to us after seeing multiple specialists, still struggling with chronic issues. What they often discover is that their condition requires a multifaceted treatment plan addressing not just the symptoms, but the root cause of their discomfort. That is why we try to have many services that synergistically work together to produce a total body result. And so Patient’s don’t have to just “live” with their pain anymore.

Experience the BodyFix Difference

Experience the difference that patient-centric, whole-body chiropractic care can make. Discover how The BodyFix’s unique approach addresses not just your pain, but your overall wellness for lasting results.

Innovative Treatments at The BodyFix

In Mt. Pleasant, we’re known for offering a range of specialized services that go beyond traditional care. Here are some of our innovative treatments:

SpineMed® Decompression: A Non-Surgical Solution

This innovative therapy has helped many of our patients avoid surgery for herniated discs and other spinal issues. It works by gently separating the injured spinal segments, allowing for better healing. SpineMed Decompression is particularly effective for conditions like sciatica, degenerative disc disease, and chronic lower back pain.

Forget Titles: I'm Here to Help You Feel Better

Advanced Neuropathy Care

For those suffering from diabetic or post-chemotherapy neuropathy, we offer a combination of Summus Class IV Laser Therapy and Red Light Bed Therapy. These cutting-edge treatments can significantly reduce pain, improve circulation, and stimulate nerve regeneration, leading to a marked improvement in quality of life for many of our patients.

Modern Chiropractic: More Than Just Adjustments

We don’t just adjust spines; we look at how your whole body functions. Our chiropractic care often incorporates exercises, stretches, and ergonomic advice to help you maintain your progress and prevent future issues.

We’re particularly proud of our success in treating conditions that many find challenging, such as disc disease, spinal arthritis, and TMJD. Our multi-faceted approach allows us to address these complex issues from various angles, often leading to breakthroughs for patients who have struggled to find relief elsewhere.

Our multi-faceted approach allows us to combine different therapies for the best possible outcomes, addressing even the most complex health issues. For example, we might use SpineMed Decompression in conjunction with laser therapy and targeted exercises to provide comprehensive care for a herniated disc.

Real People, Real Results

What really drives me is seeing the positive impact we have on people’s lives. Here are a couple of success stories:

Kelci’s Story: Finding Relief as a Busy Mom

Kelci, a mother of three young children, came to us with chronic back pain. She had tried various treatments without success. After a few weeks of our personalized care, she saw significant improvement. Kelci told me, “Your care helps maintain wellbeing in everyday life, which is truly priceless long term.” Now, she’s able to keep up with her kids and enjoy her life pain-free.

Paul’s Journey: From Skeptic to Believer

Paul was skeptical when he first came in with posture issues and neck and back pain. Our comprehensive approach, which included education about his condition and a tailored treatment plan, made all the difference. Paul now says, “Dr. Mario has been extremely helpful and informative.” He’s not only pain-free but also understands how to maintain his health long-term.

These stories aren’t unique. We’ve helped countless Mt. Pleasant residents find relief from a wide range of conditions, from simple back pain to complex neuropathies.

Forget Titles: I'm Here to Help You Feel Better

The Importance of Thorough Diagnosis

Our approach always starts with a thorough diagnosis. I take the time to really understand each patient’s condition, explain what’s happening in their body, and outline a comprehensive treatment plan. This educational component is crucial – when you understand your condition, you’re better equipped to participate actively in your healing process.

The Proven Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Research has shown that chiropractic care can have significant benefits beyond just pain relief. Here are some compelling facts:

  1. You are 60% less likely to need hospital treatment when you receive chiropractic care for your ailment.1 This statistic speaks volumes about the efficacy of chiropractic treatment.
  2. Regular chiropractic visits can reduce your pharmaceutical expenses by up to 85%2. This significant reduction in medication costs highlights the long-term financial benefits of chiropractic care.
  3. Low-back pain treatment by a medical doctor is 40% more expensive than by a chiropractor. This cost-effectiveness, combined with the reduced need for hospital visits, demonstrates that chiropractic care is not only effective but also economical.3

Experience the BodyFix Difference

Experience the difference that patient-centric, whole-body chiropractic care can make. Discover how The BodyFix’s unique approach addresses not just your pain, but your overall wellness for lasting results.


Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain, neuropathy, or any other health concern, I invite you to explore what we offer. Your well-being is our priority, and we’re here to help you achieve your best health. Don’t let labels or titles hold you back from finding the care you need.

At the end of the day, what matters most to me is not any title or label, but the results we achieve together. My goal, and the goal of everyone at The BodyFix, is to provide the most effective care possible, using whatever tools and techniques will best serve each individual patient. Even if that means referring you to a different licensed professional other than us. Remember its about your health and what you need.

If you’re facing health challenges, I encourage you to look beyond labels and titles. Focus on finding care that addresses your specific needs.

Here in Mt. Pleasant, we’re committed to being at the forefront of innovative healthcare, always with the goal of improving our patients’ health and quality of life. Let’s work together to get you feeling your best.

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Dr. Mario Tolj

Dr. Mario Tolj, the founder and lead chiropractor at The BodyFix, is a passionate and dedicated healthcare professional. With extensive experience and advanced training in chiropractic care, he is committed to delivering personalized, comprehensive treatments that address the root cause of his patients' concerns. Dr. Tolj's patient-centric approach, combined with his expertise in cutting-edge techniques and whole-body wellness, has helped countless individuals achieve lasting relief and improved quality of life.

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